Overhead Crane Operator & Rigging Train-the-Trainer - 3 Days
This 3-day overhead crane operator training course is highly recommended for Internal trainers and facility crane experts. This crane course covers all the OSHA/ASME requirements for overhead crane operation including the reasons behind the requirements.
Harley Davidson Eric R.Informal setting - Knowledge.
Cami Automotive Darryl V.(What I liked most about the seminar was)…Onsite field trips by far.
National OilwellVarco Jose H.The way we all went outside and trained with the crane, how to use it better and
how to be safe when you use it.
Nucor Steel Shane V.Great Class w/training to the governing agencies. Loved the Power Point Format
w/video clips from wire rope manufacturer.
REC Silicon Jim B.(What I liked most about the seminar was…) The rigging charts.
Crane Operator Training and Rigging Class
This overhead crane operator training course covers all the OSHA and ASME/ANSI requirements for overhead crane operation including the reasons behind the requirements.
We begin with the fundamentals, such as identification of major crane components and focuses on the safe and proper operation of the crane. We also provide techniques for teaching to adults and fostering an exceptional learning environment.
Course objectives
- Identify all major crane components
- Explain the function of major components
- Explain and use recommended hand signals
- Explain and apply all recommended safety procedures
- Perform all recommended operating procedures
- Correctly make precision lifts
- Understand crane control operations (AC or DC)
- Understand adult learning and teaching techniques
- Hands-on training
Course outline
- Major crane components
- Safety devices
- Recommended operating procedures
- Communications
- Safe operating practices
- Conduct a 15-20 minute training presentation
You will receive the following (Instructors Kit):
- Power Point Presentation on Flash Drive
- Written Safety Program for your Safety Manual
- Instructors Manual with Course Outline
- Example Final exam with answer key
- Hand Signal Poster
- Certificate of Training (Valid for 2 years)
- One student course kit ( Course Kit includes materials to train 12 students. Additional kits may be purchased during the 2 year certification period for $495.00 each. Send requests to institute@konecranes.com)
Contact our Crane Training Center for additional information, questions or special requests OR view all crane courses available.